Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jury Duty

 It's my turn. 

We didn't check the mail on Friday as we like to let the girls do it. They love to jump out of the truck and run back down the road to the mailbox. But, the girls didn't come this week, and we finally remembered to check the mail today. And guess what was there waiting for me.

A summons.

For Jury Duty.

I know where I will be on Monday November 29. And it won't be at work.

I think that it's important to sit for Jury Duty. I think it's important for all the reasons that we all know make it important.

I am also not happy about this. For two reasons.

1. I can't afford it. I mean seriously. Who can afford to take time off work? Even one day makes a difference on the paycheque. One day is my bike insurance, two days, my bike payment, a week, rent. So no, I can't afford to take time off work and have them provide me with a stipend that will cover what I would be paying for parking each day. Thats just not going to work.

2. I have a holiday booked in March. A month long holiday. And I am not interested in having to try and rebook the time off and change all my plans. Since it can be a couple months before a trail starts, that could seriously effect my holiday. It would mean having to wait a year, then there is a real chance I won't get to go. And, this trip is being financed by a second job. It will really suck if I don't get to go.

For me, the first reason is the big one. Although, the holiday is pretty importand, if I can't pay my rent, I am going to have bigger problems...

I am all for Civic Duty, it's important. Very important. It's too bad that they don't take the cost of the time off work into account.

I will be there. Asking to be excused. I just can't afford it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Wash Truck, Motorcycle, Bike and Trailer

Read Eat, Pray, Love (for bookclub)

Clean out Coolers, put away 

Clean Laundry Room

Scoop (always a favorite)


Plant bulbs (100's of them)

Clean out family room

Get the girls bedroom finished 

List stuff online for sale

Make soup - vegetable barley

Friday, October 22, 2010

If you want something done, don't ask this busy person...

What an action packed couple of weeks.

There has been so much going on that I have just not kept up with blogging.

Now back at it. No more slacking off in the blog department.

I have had a few ah-hah! moments lately and am excited to see what happens going forward.

I have too many commitments. That's it. Time to cut back. I work full time, volunteer, have the kids overnight on Fridays, am co-chair of two committees at work, am on countless sub-committees through my volunteer work, have meetings left right and centre, am taking a course in November for work, take countless hours of training for my volunteer work, blogging, and am now looking at part time work to finance a big holiday next year, and sometimes I try to have a social life...

So, I have been working on cutting things out based on satisfaction level. My satisfaction.

First to go was one of the co-chair positions, resignation handed in for December 31. It's the most frustrating thing I do each month, and it is someone else's turn to step up.The other one I enjoy and will keep it for a while longer.

Next will be some of the sub-committees and training I attend through my volunteer group.

Then I will feel sane again. And probably enjoy what I am doing a lot more.

A friend of mine once said... 'If you want something done, ask a busy person'. It's true.

Stop asking. I don't want to be busy anymore.

A few years ago I ended up being off work for six months with an 'acute stress response'. It was no fun. Really, no fun. I was dealing with the impending death of my Grandfather and a really lame job. Apparently I was not dealing with it very well. So, my Doctor saw what was happening and put his foot down.

I learned a lot. I learned that I don't have to do it all. Even if it means that something doesn't get done. I learned that exercise is good for me both physically and mentally. Really good for me. I learned that I can recognize indicators of stress in myself and stop my stress level from escalating. Knowing is half the battle.

The last few weeks I have noticed that I have been recognizing more and more of my 'indicators' more often. Not a good sign.

In light of this I will be curtailing some of my activities, while still looking for part time work. I know it's a bit counter intuitive, but the option is to keep all my activities and the part time work. That would be dangerous...

I will be getting my butt back to the gym. I am going tomorrow to pick up a class schedule and book myself some me time.

Last but not least, a visit to the Doctor, the Naturopath and the Massage Therapist. I can't stop this on my own. That was the biggest lesson I learned the first time.

First stop, Massage Therapy

So, the next few weeks will be an adventure and I am looking forward to seeing how this all works out. I have some reading to do, a massage to attend and some appointments to keep.