Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy Picnicing

Today was hot. Very hot.

The kind of hot where you have no patience and everyone is tired. Our thermometer hit 34 Celcius today at the house. Hot.

I decided that the kids and I needed to get out of the house, for our survival. While breakfasts were being eaten, I threw together a picnic lunch and decided that we would find some shade.

Here is my recipe for a hot day picnic...

Lots of Water - in refillable bottles, of course,
Baby-Bel Cheese,
Mini-Go or Yogurt,
Green Grapes,
Pear, cut into slices,
Matzo Crackers with Butter,

We also found some great Apple Cider (at the Superstore). We took this for when we ran out of water. It is very tasty and the only ingredient is Apples. No added sugar, preservatives or other junk. Just Apples!

Find a nice shady picnic table. Ours was at Fort Rodd Hill, we didn't even go into the park, we found a spot close to the parking lot and stayed there.

E. enjoying grapes at our picnic.
R. having a plum.
Open the cooler, and enjoy!

This was certainly a better idea than staying home and turning on the stove.

We all enjoyed our lunch in the shade, it was nice to have smiles all around and a relaxed meal.

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